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ANNOUNCEMENT: 06/24/2024
16k Alloy Tubing NAGAURUM™
has returned to our active lineup.
Formulated by Master Craftsman Kanichi Nagahara &
manufactured to our exacting specifications.
Our Current Featured Flute:
Nagahara Flute #1413 is offered as a Standard Offset G Model, Open hole,
18k Gold Tube w/ 14k Gold Tone Holes, Sterling Silver mechanism,
Split E mechanism, C# Trill, D# Roller, B-foot, 0.012" wall, A=442;
Headjoint: 18k Tube, 14k Lip Plate, 18k White Gold Nagahara Extended Riser, Galway "G" cut.




Flute #1413 is available for immediate sale. Price as shown: $55,500.00 USD
Please contact us for further inquiries.
Nagahara Flutes is a world-renowned flute manufacturer located in Chelmsford, Massachusetts specializing in professional, unique handmade flutes, headjoints, and
the Nagahara Mini - an innovative updated version of the piccolo that plays like a flute.
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